Here at Jesus+Football, we love Jesus. It is that simple. With that being said, we know how important sports are to this world. It truly is a part of who we are. The mission of this company is to mesh the love we have for football with the love Jesus has for us. By doing that, we will build our own personal relationship with Jesus and then begin to share what Jesus has done with our teammates, coaches, and everyone else. When we put God as the most important focus of our life, we learn values from the Bible that are also taught in football.
These values include hard work, discipline, teamwork, and love, among many other things. With Scripture at the root of all we do, if it's not from the Bible, you won't find it here. Ephesians 1:3 says, "Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the Heavens." We have received all of our talents, abilities and blessings from God!
It is our job to give all those things right back to him and make sure others know where we get them from. Using the talents and abilities God has given us through football and other aspects of our life, we give them right back to God by sharing the reckless love of Jesus Christ on the field, in the weight room, in the film room, and everywhere else in our life.


A message from the Owner and Founder
Hello, my name is Noah Beaudrie. I was raised and currently live in Monroe, Michigan. I am a college quarterback with a strong passion for Jesus. Growing up on the sidelines on Friday nights watching my dad coach high school football, football became a part of who I was. Along with that my mom did an excellent job teaching me about God and who Jesus was. I was fascinated at the whole history of the Bible. I learned a lot and was very smart when it came to the characters, but didn't build a strong relationship with him until I reached college. It was there that my good friend Davis, a fellow football player, reached out and invited me to Bible study. There, I learned that there was so much more than just these characters. I learned that each person can have an intimate relationship with Jesus. Because of football and where God has led me through that, I was able to meet people who brought me closer to Jesus. And I want to have that impact on other people. I want to lead people to Jesus, because one day, football will end. But as for Jesus, his kingdom will have no end.
My life verse is Romans 8:28: "For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to his purpose." God has a plan for my life and everywhere I have been, everything that has happened to me, has happened to make me who I am right now. God has a plan for you too and I hope you believe it in your heart like I do.
Thank you for supporting this company and its mission.